I didn’t think it was possible to run a profitable law practice without working long hours and being stressed all the time.
I have doubled my income, reduced my working hours and took a month off in the summer. It’s been revolutionary.
I’ve always been a fan of coaching. The funny thing is I had said at the end of 2019 that 2020 was the year I wouldn’t invest in coaching but I was very drawn to your spirit.
Learning to give myself the permission to dream big. Not only in terms of revenue, because I was already doing that, but in terms of what if it were easy, what if I could do it and still be a present parent. The idea of “and” not “or” was huge.
It’s truly life changing to understand that because you can control what you think, you are completely in control of your results.
I had already spent a lot on coaching and thought I needed to focus on executing what I had already learned. What I discovered through coaching with you was that my previous coaching was heavily strategy focused and that the mindset shift was a key piece I needed to understand.
If you’re willing to take 100% responsibility for your life, this is how to learn to do that.
Am Hard to explain, it was very intuitive.
Increased revenue, more confidence, more time for myself.
Stressful, always in a state of overwhelm
Much less stressful, better boundaries.
That I could work less and make more .
Before starting the coach with you, I was struggling to really apply the content in a consistent and structured manner. Before I actually was in the BPC, I saw some improvements but the private coaching together with TIR was definitely next level for me. I wanted to pay my debts $130k in credit card debt and win a solid contract for my new business.
Paid my debt, acquired a large contract, upgraded out living standards, brought my mum from Brazil to live with us and help us. Seriously, I do not think I could list all the benefits. Maybe if I could sum it all I would say, I finally know my potential is unlimited.
I think I was wanted to invest in coaching just did not really wanted to admit I needed it
The consistency and structure, and off course Hina you always held the space for me to express and ask questions
I definitely recommend to everyone who is ready to invest time and money in themselves. If you want to be better and grow, having a coach is like a need not even a nice to have.
I think was I was sick of trying on my own that I was ready to do what it took to see results. I knew I could not do it on my own.
I always talk about you Hina, and how awesome you are, specially your down to earth approach to things. You are able to simplify things, and all seems easy. I always say Hina is my coach for life.
I selected very carefully who I wanted to work with, for me I chose you Hina because of your background on psychotherapy. I also have a background in psychology so I thought we would have a similar approach to things. And I was so right in my choice.
1. Higher clarity on who I am at a core 2. My ability to go for what I want 3. I saw real results, massive results
I was spinning my wheels and trying to do on my own, and I was just getting overwhelmed
Gosh, now I cannot even recognise myself. I can say that I now love following instructions and seeing the results. Hina the work we did and continue to do together I will forever be grateful. Thank you.
I think what surprised me the most was how easy it was to see results once, I committed time and money into a structure approach. And I can say I really immersed myself into discovering my potential. Working with you, really inspired me to become a PGI consultant. Thank you Hina you are such an amazing coach.